Wedding in Castello of Torcrescenza, Roma
June 17, 2018
Today we want talk to you about a new couple, two guys from Milan who have decided to celebrate their wedding in one of the most beautiful locations in Rome: the Castle of Torcrescenza.
The castle of Torcrescenza is in the countryside, in a large park on the northern outskirts of Roma, surrounded by the Parco di Roma Golf Club.
This beautiful home, still inhabited by an old noble family, rich in history and works of art is protected by the Superintendency of Fine Arts. The castle was built by the Marquis Francesco Crescenzi in the place of a former watchtower in 1100.
The castle of Torcrescenza has the classical facade,with two squared towers on it’s sides decorated with ghibelline merlon.
The drawbridge that was once necessary to cross a moat,allows access to the first court through a majestic gate.
Insiste the court one is immediately fascinated by the sound of water and the beautiful fountains.The second court is characterized by the ‘400 portico structure in peperino surrounding an ancient well in stone once actively used for the castle’s every needs.
Alessandro and Federica have organized everything in the smallest details. They decided to get married through a civil ceremony that will take place in the garden next to the castle.
The bride and groom get ready in two different rooms of the location.
Federica is very excited, she tells us about her life in Milan, about her work that leads her to travel a lot and how much she is linked to Alessandro and his two children.
The emotion reaches the stars when Federica tells us to wait for a child, we actually did not notice it.We are really happy for her, for them.
We arrive at the time of the ceremony;we notice how Alessandro is excited while Federica approaches his father at the altar.
Before exchanging wedding rings, the bride and groom exchange each other’s very exciting promises:
“I wondered what I could say to you in such a special moment and without thinking too much I understood that one word could contain all of them,thank you!thanks for how you make me feel special every day,thanks for all the times you’ve been able to encourage me and stay close to me in difficult moments,
thank you because you are able to love me even more when I need it most and maybe I deserve it less, thanks for the times that for no reason you have found a reason to celebrate,thanks because every day you remember that life is good for little things… I promise that I will always be by your side in joy and difficulty and I promise to love your children as the first day they became part of my life..I love you and I can only promise to love you today and more today, life makes strange turns to meet the soul mate,but luckily its found the way”.
After this romantic moment happens the traditional throwing of the rice just as the sun gives way to the moon.
The dinner takes place in the courtyard of the castle where the hall is decorated with beautiful and colorful flowers and gorgeous chandeliers.
After a beautiful cut cake the dances are opened and the party continues all night long.
We want to thank the newlyweds for the emotions that made us feel and let us give them an happy life together with their children.